
On the road...again.

In September 2010 we made the move from Utah to Seattle. It was really hard on me and I pretty much cried for three months straight. If only I knew then how good this move would be for me. I grew to absolutely love it here in this beautiful green and rainy state. But mostly because I have met the most amazing people. I have such loyal and loving friends. I cannot imagine a summer without going to the beach park or shnoo or all of our random, daily outings. I keep telling my friends we need to just have a huge fight or something to make it easier to move, but that won't happen. I have the most drama-free group of friends. I am so blessed. 

  I honestly thought we would live here forever. I guess that was wishful thinking. Kor has been working a contract job with Halo 4 and it was possibly ending soon. We have this precious baby coming any day now and we needed a more permanent job. That job just happens to be in California.  So here I am in the same situation I was in in September 2010. I feel like I am leaving home again. But this time hopefully I won't cry for three months straight. I am trying to stay positive about this move, even with it's terrible, terrible timing. I know it will all work out like it did moving to Seattle. So here's to a new chapter in the Hubbell's life! Stay tuned won't you?

What Orange County has that Seattle doesn't: 

What it needs:


  1. I get it but I absolutely hate it. And FYI, I'm going to be texting and playing our games from the long house this summer and wishing to you know what that you were in the bunk across from me again. Love your freaking guts.

  2. Awkward, I'm not in the OC needs section ...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. i am kinda jealous for what its worth! thats a beautiful place!! and cohen! love it. good luck with everything hubbells!

  5. I think you'll probably love it. There are beaches and the weather is awesome year-round. And everyone loves you. You'll find great friends no matter where you live.

  6. Survivor night, gambling in Indian casinos, hide and seek, laying out in my back yard.....not of it will be the same without you:( But on a more positive note, I might as well get my Disneyland season pass cause guess who's goin to SoCal tons? Me!!

  7. I hear ya girlfriend - it is always hard to leave home. But you aren't going somewhere where you don't know anyone at least! Add Metcalfs and Murphys to the OC list! I see many beach days in our future!

  8. That should've been my face on what the OC has...not Seth's :) We are excited to have you and you aren't going to cry for three months, believe you me!

  9. I am excited for you! And excited for me since I will be able to see you!
